Thanks to miChelle M. Vara for sharing some of the images from Skidmore traveling Sketchbook! She also shares "My mother found the book at a lunch date and brought it back to my studio.
felt the need to add to it and found an office who took it back. I
would love to get involved with adding to your sketchbook project as the
idea split my mind wide open to comradery, no control and developing
with others not known to me."
"I will venture to conclude, however, that what the arts were for-an embodiment and reiforecment of socially shared significances-is what we crave and are perishing for today." -ellen Dissanayake
Each sketchbook belongs to The Traveling Sketchbook project. All content is voluntarily contributed to the project and becomes the sole property of the traveling sketchbook project. thanks for being part of this journey! Keep in touch and send us updates of the images you encounter!